Pricing & Payment

121 Tutor is predominantly run by teens for teens. This means that money earned by tutors is put right back into education!

Once you have contacted us and we have had the opportunity to discuss your needs we can reach an agreement on payment. Whilst we have guidelines on hourly rates we are flexible – for example, multiple advance bookings or group sessions will run at a discount. Emergency sessions (those seeking immediate help) are charged at a premium rate.

As a guideline though you can expect your tutors time to be billed from $40 per hour.

This may seem a lot but consider the example of our Founder…

Keira studied 19 Advance Placement classes during High School and earned enough credits to start College as a Sophomore. The investment in tutoring she received was a tenth of what it would have cost to put her through that first year of college.

This really is an investment in your / your childs future.

We have downloadable content that can be purchased right from the website. Study guides, quizzes etc are always something we are adding. They are a useful and affordable resource for students. We use PayPal and you have the option to purchase with a card as well.

For tutoring we will discuss your requirements first and then your tutor will confirm the cost and method of payment. Most use Venmo. Be aware the amount will need to be paid prior to session please.

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